Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Session with Raymond
Was invited by Raymond to join him for a photo shooting session at the botanic gardens on sunday morning.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Family Lunch
We were treated to a srcumptious lunch at Zhou's Kitchen by Uncle Alan. It was to celebrate the birthdays of all the october babies, namely Gate, Jennifer & myself.
Since it involved food, Sarah had a great time eating. After eating, she was in a wonderful mood and was playing with everyone.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Standard Obstacle Course
Sarah scaling over the low wall as part of the tough strength & agility training that we put her through everyday. Its tough being a Yau.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
The Pacifier War
It's painful but it's necessary.
It's day 3 since we stopped giving Sarah her pacifier. It's not been easy for her due to her addiction. After observing her in recent weeks, we felt that she was ready to be weaned off. The one big positive sign we saw was, she being able to fall asleep at night without the aid of her pacifier. However, it was still needed whenever she woke up in the middle of the night.
Last sunday, we made the decision to try to wean her off it again. Our first attempt a few months back was aborted after 3 days, as she had problem getting asleep. Since she can now fall asleep without her pacifier, we are feeling more confident.
Day 1. She was alright most of the day, but by evening, she was getting cranky and could not stop crying. She managed to calm down after we distracted her with tv and brought her to the hypermart to touch all the merchandise on display.
Day 2. First day in school without pacifier. We informed the school that we had stopped giving Sarah the pacifier. As we left her in school and went off to work, we could not help but worry about her coping in school. Mama was worried that Sarah would cry all day and not sleep, she might even snatch the pacifier off other kids! When we returned to the school in the evening, we were pleasantly surprised when informed that Sarah was well behaved the whole time, she even napped twice. She did ask for her pacifier by pointing towards where her pacifier was normally kept, but when she was told that Papa has taken away the pacifier, she was quite alright with it. Mama was relieved and very proud of Sarah, she could not stop praising Sarah on the way back home and continued praising her into the night.
Day 3. She showed signs of missing pacifier, but she was not very persistent in asking for it. She was well behaved in school, but was crying after she woke up from her afternoon nap. We were there to fetch her home when she woke up, took a while for us to calm her down. She did not eat much for dinner but played happily when we brought her to the park. After drinking her milk, she fell asleep at nine.
We think the war is almost over!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Bei at 16 weeks
Went to see Dr Fong again, even though we were not supposed to see him for another 3 weeks. Mama was feeling terrible the whole morning, she was also worried about the lack of movement from bei.
Took another scan, Dr Fong said everything was fine. We should not be expecting foetus movement for another month! haha.
Friday, October 09, 2009
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Sarah & Maia
Sarah went to visit her friend, Maia, who came back from Japan for a holiday.

Monday, October 05, 2009
Bei at 15.5 weeks
Brought forward our appointment with Dr Fong by a week, as Mama Flo noticed some signs of spotting. We decided not to take any risk and so we went to seek consultation with Dr Fong. Luckily he said its nothing serious, probably due to fatique and strain as we have been taking care of Sarah for the last four days.
We were hoping to be able to confirm Bei's gender, however as he wasn't moving much and his posture was not ideal, we could not see his genitals. We will just have to wait for the detailed scan scheduled four weeks later.
an ultra sound scan of bei at 11.5 weeks, taken when we were doing the ocsar test.
Sunday, October 04, 2009
Sarah at 16 months
Sarah is gaining on the weights. However, she is in the 25 percentile in the height department, currently vertically challenged!
PS: the x-axis is the month.
Saturday, October 03, 2009
Elmer & Anastasia's Wedding
This morning, we were invited to attend Elmer & Anastasia's wedding at the church of St Francis Xavier.
As we were early, Sarah decided to 'help out' Vernon & Eve at the entrance reception.

She turns 16 months today!