continuing from the previous post, after her birthday party, both sarah and papa were so tired that both of them slept at 7pm that very night!
needless to say, both of them woke up very very early on sunday morning, papa woke up at 430am and sarah at 6am. the two of them started yakking and playing away, waking up poor mama. since the whole family was up and about, we decided to bring forward our trip to chinatown market.
papa excitedly suggested making the trip via the newly opened circle line which was at our door step. so the 3 of us + granny left the house at 7am and slowly swaggered towards the marymount station.
our little princess was pursing her lips as we pushed her out of the house, in her royal pram.
the lovely cutesy outfit that she was wearing, was her birthday present from her aunt jen. aunt jen dotes on sarah alot, and we couldn't have done her birthday party without her help!
sarah making sure that there was no stragglers, by constantly checking behind her.
she was still pursing her lips when we reached the pedestrian crossing, after we had marched for about 200metres.
another 250m to go, the station is further than we thought!
when we reached marymount mrt station, we were greeted by a totem CCTV cameras, standing proudly outside the station? big brother is watching!
theres even a cctv screen at the turnstile to let you know that you are being watched!
we waited a short while at the almost deserted platform, there was only 1 other passenger besides us.
mean while, sarah was still pursing her lips! after a short 5 mins wait, an empty train rolled in and sarah picked a seat beside granny.
inconsiderate sarah standing up on the seat and dirtying it with her shoes, will we see her in stomp?
after that she went to play at the holding bar and did some pole dancing!
we got off at serangoon interchange to hop onto the NEL going to chinatown. the walk from the CCL to NEL wasn't near but was not as terrible as the labyrinth otherwise known as dhoby ghaut.
sarah and mummy 'walked' hand in hand towards the next platform. after a good 40mins, we finally arrived at chinatown!
there were so many things to see at the chinatown market, great variety of cheap fresh food.
mama took sarah along and taught her the ropes of wet market bargaining, like how to propose package deals such as 'buying chilli and gettting free spring onions thrown in' .
and thus sarah conquered chinatown!
to the market! to the market! we didnt buy a fat pig though, but we got a fat pomfret which we steamed and ate happily for lunch!
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