she looks boyish in these pictures with cap, especially the second one.
she has put on the pounds of late, everyone we met has commented that sarah has grown chubbier!
Monday, June 29, 2009
oh boy!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
sand play
brought sarah to the beach yesterday, to introduce sand to her. she took her first steps on the sand, had her first touch of the sand and first taste of the sand as well!we headed for palawan beach after the cool afternoon rain, a big mistake. the sun came back with a vengenance, it was scorching at 3pm. luckily, we managed to find a shady spot beside a carnival tentage. after settling down, sarah brought papa to the beach, as can be seen from the picture below.
we bought her a pail + accessories for her to experience sand play, she enjoyed herself moulding and pushing the sand.
after a while, we decided to venture out to play with the waves. There is sarah, making her way there with her watering can.
the beach was in a bad condition, we wouldn't come back to this part of the beach for a long time. there were dead sea weeds and rubbish all around, what a turn off.
the minute she met the sea, she insisted on sitting on the wet sand! she seems to enjoy getting her butt wet and walking around with a heavy diaper!
the wonderfully thoughtful mama,making sure that sarah is staying under the shade!
she started grabbing the sea sand and put them in her mouth! then she sputtered them out in disgust much to the relief of mama.
we didn't stay very long at the seaside, due to the undesirable environment, we made our way back to our picnic mat where sarah started playing happily with her watering can.
so happy that she ate sand again!
luckily mama was quick and alert to clear way those sands on her face and mouth!
she was covered with sand by the end of the session, so we gave her a quick shower before we brought her home.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Infants drinking milk
photo taken off united montessori fb site.
a video produced by her school, its really funny.
she goes ra ra.....
Kids at Work
Sarah followed mama to work for a day,
so thats what mama does at work!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
On the fringe
new look is just one snip away!
sarah sporting a new fringe, mama got irritated with sarah's uneven fringe which was very long on the right side, so she took up a pair of scissors and did something about it. with one snip, sarah now has an almost symmetrical fringe!
Monday, June 22, 2009
our little restless girl, thats how busy she is at the dinner table every day!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Fear Factor
sarah is not invincible after all, we have discovered the chink in her armour!
Robinson's Fisher Price Fair
went killing time at raffles city on sunday afternoon, chanced upon the robinson's toy fair. mama decided to let sarah play with the toys for a while. the minute she was let down on the floor, she went to grab this silo/tower looking toy, which was part of a farm barnyard playset, she started walking around with it happily and cheekily smiling at everyone!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Father's Day 2009
Papa got to celebrate his second father's day today with Sarah and Mama Flo.
below is a collage of a heart shape made out from all the photos that we have taken today!
our first stop was to the bistro at changi enjoy the scorching sun and the warm breeze. sarah slept through most of it and only woke up just before we were leaving.after her nap, sarah was in a very good mood. she was smiling away at every passerby when we were at tanglin mall. there she is making face at the auntie at the adjacent bench. the auntie was very amazed with sarah's tongue twisting, and kept praising her!
she was still twisting tongue at the auntie....
very happy after being showered with praises.
we met big bird at tanglin mall, mama couldnt resist and immediately slotted in a dollar coin and set big bird in motion!
a serious concentrated sarah, testing out all the buttons on the panel. do not disturb!
after which we stepped in a sports apparel shop, as mama needed a sports bag for her swimming gear. she has picked up swimming again after a long hiatus.

a very heavy dinner for all of us, including sarah who had a muffin all to herself!
KFC breakfast
brought sarah along to try out the KFC breakfast which neither of us had tried before
mama tried the platter and papa had the waffles + egg. sarah got a bit of everything, plain eggs, plain waffles, plain biscuit.
the standard of the food was disppointing, a long way behind their fellow competitors. however, i think sarah enjoyed herself.
Monday, June 15, 2009
loitering at pintau playground
what has sarah been up to since her first birthday?
nothing much, most of the time, she is just hanging out at the neighbourhood playround. she loves climbing up the slide, she ll be on top of the slide in less than 5 secs. she is also practicing her walking skills at the playrgound mat.
neighbourhood girl in action.
mama flo and her sidekick in the side car.
playing hide and seek with granny.
accompanying timid daddy on the slide.
daddy has no idea where the lens is, wonder where is he looking at?
preparing for the singapore idol audition, future diva.
she loves being cheered on when she is practicing her walking, constant clappings and cheering keeps her going! giving herself a clap!
daddy doing the cheerleading.
happy sarah doing a jiggle.
her much under utilised tricycle making a comeback!
the one year old sarah gesticulates alot more now whenever she is excited.
nice pose!
besides practicing walking, little sarah managed to climbed up the whole flight of stairs from the living room to our bedroom. will take a photo and upload it when the opportunity arises again.
anyway she just went for her vaccination over the weekend, thankfully this time, she didnt come down with a fever! she was chirpy and hyperactive throughout the weekend. the only persons feeling unwell that weekend were her parents, who struggled to keep up with her energy.
her current weight is 8.5kg up from 8.3kg three weeks ago. dr lee commented that sarah is a very active child! she was happily jiggling away and playing with toys while being examined, until she was being poked by the syringe!