This is Brian at 8months old! See how much difference there is within months. We hope to capture lots of pictures of Sarah, as babies grows and changes so fast!
sure cannot wait to capture awesome pictures of sarah growing up with the new camera we plan to get in May via Wan who works in Canon (at the very last minute whereby hopefully the price drops as it does with most digital items)... eh... what is the model? Canon G duno what. hahah..
so much to look forward. so exciting! *smiles cheekily @tweet*
sure cannot wait to capture awesome pictures of sarah growing up with the new camera we plan to get in May via Wan who works in Canon (at the very last minute whereby hopefully the price drops as it does with most digital items)... eh... what is the model? Canon G duno what. hahah..
so much to look forward. so exciting! *smiles cheekily @tweet*
its the canon G9. hopes the price tumble soon.
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