Monday, September 28, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Lantern Festival Party
This is two weeks old, two sunday ago we went to attend the neighbourhood lantern festival party at the pintau playground.
Sarah wasn't too interested in carrying her Barney lantern, she was more keen on the mooncake. I don't think it surprised anyone.

Warrior Princess
Miss Sarah Yau is currently obessed with her bowl and spoon. Don't ask me why too. Once she sees it, she has to have it. She brings them everywhere, in the house and outside, even fell asleep while holding onto them.
we went out for dinner at jumbo last night to pre-celebrate papa's birthday, expectedly, she brought her cutlery along with her. I told mama, she is smart, she is bringing them so that she is prepared to eat food anywhere anytime.

Dinner at Hanna's
Our family was invited over to Hanna's pad for a little get-together.
Sarah was the happiest guest in the house, the minute she stepped in, she saw food, food and more food being laid all over the coffee table, easily accessible for her height.
Injury Report for 24th September 2009
when we went to pick sarah up from school last thursday, we were informed that she was bitten in class! however, after we discovered the cause of the injury, we burst out laughing!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
watching you
she always surprises us with her antics, nowdays she sometimes walks around like an inspector, pumping up her chest, hands behind her back, as if masquerading to be a proud peacock strutting around the garden.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
swinging good time
this is an continuation of the grouchy sunday post, after we reached downstairs, we put her in the swing and she was in her playful mood again.
at first she was quite apprehensive, letting out a timid 'mi miiii' cry when we initiated the swinging. haha. but she drew her courage from her beloved pacifier and was grinning from ear to ear behind the pacifier.
grouchy sunday
sarah was grouchy over the weekend, crying over every little thing that did not go her way.
we were having lunch at membina with great grandma, she was very restless, couldn't sit still in her high chair.
nowadays, she is into wearing her shoes and going out. she would walk to wear her shoes are kept and insist that they are put on. how demanding. there was once where i just brought her home from a walk in the neighbourhood, seconds after taking off her shoes after we reached home, she turned around and asked for her shoes to be put on again.
on sunday, after she spotted her shoes at the shoe rack area. she kept on insisting that we put on to her shoes and wanted to go out. when her request was turned down, she stood right in front of the gate, stuck her face right in between the grilles and wailed loudly into the corridor, hoping some good samaritan would come along and return her the freedom she lost!
in the end she won, we blinked first. after standing there and wailing for over 5 minutes, she were knocked out by her incessant crying. we bid farewell and took her out, her crying game stopped the minute we reached the lift lobby.
five minutes later, she was playing happily at the playground swings.
my first sun dress
this set of photos were taken more than 2 weeks back. we were on the way to visit sarah's great grandma at the nursing home, stopping by the market to get some food for her first. i finally managed to find time to post them up after numerous 'gentle' reminders from mama flo.
she was wearing this pretty dress bought by mama for her.
sarah was very happy on that day, full of smiles and ever playful. at the nursing home, she was eating the food and fruits meant for great grandma, when she saw that there was no more food, she wave 'bye' to great grandma!
nowadays she is much more grumpy and cries alot, wonders if she is teething again.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Week 11.5 checkup
we have come to the end of first trimester, bei is now 5.09cm. from the ultrasound scan, we were able to see his legs and hands for the first time! very active, bouncing around all the time!
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
15 Months
sarah has become a 15 months old toddler.
what is she like at this stage of her life?
How is her character?
she has a very strong stubborn personality, she cannot be forced into doing something that she doesn't want to. when she wants something she wants it, she will snatch toys away from even older kids, she has done it to the older kids in school and done it to brian as well.
she wears a cheeky smile on her face, especially when she knows that she is doing something wrong or disapproved by her parents.
she is very attached to her mother. she will follow her around and can only be carried by her mother. she will kick, cry and scream if papa attempts to carry her when there is the mama option.
she likes attention and has this habit of putting her face right in front of us, literally forehead to forehead to force you to look at her, especially when either one of us is sleeping, facing away from her.
Whate are her hobbies
she likes to watch hi-5, she will swing her arms in the air and shout 'yeahhhh' whenever the theme music kicks in, she will then give a hi-5 to the tv. she is not even that excited to see her parents. her first love is barney, but she seems to have outgrown it already.
she loves eating food, all kinds of food. anytime when she sees us eating, she has to eat, even if she had just taken her meal. she would stop only when we stop, or the plates are empty. her current favourite food are braised peanuts and eggs. if we do not give her food, she would perform a wayang show, fake crying scene, enhanced with burying her face on the table for dramatic effects.
she enjoys trips to the playground and going down the slide, yet she is abit apprehensive, she would use her arms as brake to slow down the sliding. she prefers sitting on papa's lap and sliding down together.
we just discovered this yesterday, whenever she feels like going out of the house for a walk, she would go to the hall and point at her shoes which are on a table or sometimes in a container, then she would attempt to reach for the shoes. after taking down her shoes, she would happily sit down on the floor, awaiting for her shoes to be put on. once that is done, she would head straight to the gate, waiting for gate to be unlocked so that she can go out for her walk!
motor skills & speech
she is able to walk well and is getting faster and faster. when on the bed, she likes to stand up via pushing herself up with her head, then arching up her backside. i think she is going to run soon.
she is able to call out mimi and papa. however, eveyone she sees, she calls papa, for example, her grandparents and even our dog clubbie. papa seems to be everywhere. she is quite a talkative girl much like her mother and she can yak away by herself at the dinner table.
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
i am sick
i am sick, 我生病了.
sarah is down with diarrhea and cough, she was supposed to go for her vaccination jab last saturday, however due to her condition, it had to be postponed till she gets well again. instead we went down to the clinic to let dr lee access her condition, we had her weight taken as well, the scale tilts her at a good 9kg.
the poor girl's butt is reddish due to the constantly cleaning and changing of diapers. she has been given 3 days mc till wednesday.
this morning i brought her to the park for a walk and some fresh air, but the trip was cut short as she poo-ed barely 10 minutes after we reached the park, so i told her we had to go home, she seems to understand and allowed me to hold her hand as we walk home together.
Monday, September 07, 2009
Brian's Third Birthday
we were invited by brian to attend his birthday celebration at pasir ris park last sunday.
we got him a thomas and friends birthday cake as requested by the birthday boy.some how, brian sees sarah as his competitor, he always wants to win when they are doing the same type, or just similar things. on this particular day, sarah was in her pram, brian was riding his tricycle. he was doing his best to be in front of sarah and peddled as hard as he could to maintain his lead. he was constantly overlooking his shoulder to make sure that sarah was behind him! what a competitive streak he has, the next rossi perhaps?