eeeew.... doesn't that look disgusting? no wonder i would never have thought of cooking frog's leg porridge for sarah. well, she had grandma's frog's leg porridge for dinner on sunday and monday and she loves it! grandma said that this is food to make her legs strong. i was delighted as it was sweet of my mother in law plus i din have to cook for 2 meals. hehe. jerry's reaction? "to make her legs strong? OMG! our gal is so active liao. eating this will make her run around the house!" lolz
i am still wondering how the seller de-skin the poor froggy
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
frog's leg
Sunday, March 29, 2009
sarah goes to sentosa...
for the SCB family day 2009
we rolled out our puny picnic mat at a spot between the bbq area and the manicure station. enjoying the aroma of the bbq-ed meat all afternoon! and the smoke that comes with it!
she is wearing the official cap for this event. bought especially by mummy flo . she hated it initially though, refusing to wear it whenver we put it on her. she would pull it down and if she wasnt able to do so, she would cry!just when she thought she had gotten rid of the previous cap through smiling sweetly to her parents and allowing them to take a picture of her. there goes another hat on her!
the whole event was being held at the angsana beach besides palawan. lots of activities going on like beach soccer, sand castle building, giant floats in the sea, trapeze etc. there were lots of everything, except food, unavailable till late evening. they didnt realised that there were people like us, who were there for the food only.
sarah hungry after the 'long walk' around the carnival compound
more and more friends came to join us at our coconut tree spot, one of them is sarah's good friend! raven!

trying to beat away the camera man who caught her in the act of eating raven's fingers

hmm, she seems to not only recovered the weight that she lost during her diarrhoea but managed to put on even more!

reunion of the aunties

Sunday, March 22, 2009
her two front teeth
last fri was the 4th day that sarah missed school as she was still unwell and it was my turn to take leave to stay home to look after her. jerry and me had been taking leave on alternate days so as to not affect both our works. we are blessed with great understanding bosses.
as usual, i had to have some photos of her taken. i never had a problem making our little sunshine gal smile but this time my focus was trying to take picture of her growing teeth. sarah always gets excited when i take pictures of her with my hp. she will smile super widely and 'bounce' up and down.
little miss sunshine yau.....
finally! can you spot her first 2 tiny teeth? ; )
as a reward, i turned on her all time favourite barney dvd and gave her a teething biscuit for her to chew on. in the past, she never really liked this biscuit, so i was a little surprised that she enjoyed it tremendously this time around. the end result was a mess all over her face and clothes and excersaucer = Xthis is how hard she usually concentrates on the tv when her fav barney dvd is played.
so much so that in the last pic, you can see that she was tilting her head to one side as i was blocking her view while trying to get a front shot of her ; D
she never fails to make me laugh with all her cute patterns
anyway, its sun today and she still seems to have a slight temperature. what worries us most is her diarrheoa. she seems to be poo-ing all day and most of which are to the watery side despite being on soy formula. jerry said he will bring her to dr lee if it still does not look good tomorrow. dr lee is our fav pd out of the 3 that we have brought sarah to but their openining hours are not as favourable. really hope sarah completely recovers soon. pray pray pray....
Thursday, March 19, 2009
self service
a collage of photos showing sarah being able to pick the bread crumps out of her bowl and feeding herself. she is still not very good with it yet, 50% success rate delivering the food into her mouth, the rest gets dropped onto the floor! but she is improving, we praised her whenever she succeed and she would look very pleased with herself.
sarah is down with a viral infection again, this time its intestinal, causing her to have diarrhoea and mild fever for the past three days. however she doesnt behave like she is sick, she is still playing happily and cheekily everyday. hope she will get well soon
Saturday, March 14, 2009
a walk around the estate
last sunday, we brought sarah for a walk around the estate, in the evening just before dinner.
sarah looking fresh and ready to go!
the sun shining onto sarah's face
after 1 short round, probably not more than 10 mins, we beat a hasty retreat back home! the sun was just too scorching!
Sarah's first piano
here is sarah playing happily with the toy piano mama flo bought for her.
her progress of late.
1. she is able to swing her both arms vigorously in the air.
2. she is able to wave bye bye, or seems like bye bye. haha
3. she has progressed from making sounds like pa, ma to ra ra ra, ra ra ra. ra-ttling away whenever she is excited. once she woke up at 2am in the night and start ra ra ra.
Monday, March 02, 2009
brunch at fish & co
sarah with her new ghetto look
the family went for brunch at fish and co last sunday. sarah fell asleep in her pram while we were doing grocery shopping at ntuc. however she woke up when we just got seated at fish & co. the minute she opened her eyes, she was very happy to find herself in a restaurant. she kept playing, laughing and had butter rice for treats!
this is taken just after she woke up, happily flapping her arms away!
although we had a good time, the meal was kinda disappointing. we ordered the premier shellfish platter, totally way overcharged for it, as more than half of it were chips and rice. we will just stick to the seafood platter next time.