when we decided to enroll sarah into infant care, we told her that we will bring her out during the weekends at least once to have fun (of course, subject to weather and health conditions of every family member ; )...). as promised, we brought her out today! in the morning, the family made a short trip to the library. returned the dvds we previously borrowed and loaned new ones. we also borrowed 2 books of nursery rhymes for sarah, how exciting. will spend time with her watching dvds and reading rhymes during the little time we have left on work days. we then made a quick trip the supermarket, after which we went home for lunch and KO till 4pm. sleeping is definitely our all time favorite family activity ; )
as the weather was pretty good, papa suggested to bring his gals to Changi Boardwalk. sarah and mummy was excited as they like going new places they have never been. got sarah changed, dolled ourselves up, prepared all the necessary barang barang and off we went. we decided to try out the combi 'haversack' for this walk. tested it at home and sarah seems to love it. she gave us smiles and her eyes opened wide the whole time as though she is so happy with her new 'vehicle', even granma was laughing at the expressions she give whilst inside the 'sack'! kawaii!!!
as usual, mummy starts taking pictures of sarah with her phone despite having so many pictures of her in the car seat already. she says every moment captured is always different in some tiny ways and pictures of your little one is never enough de... hee..... going to just post only one tho...
after the long journey, here we are at the start of Changi Boardwalk. yeah!
we took pictures here and there as we strolled. had to check on sarah's face a few times to make sure she is ok as we could only see the top half of her face. lolx. she gave smiles now and then as mummy hopped and she seemed to be enjoying the natural environment surrounding her.
we actually brought along the pram just in case sarah got uncomfy in the carrier. the pram that was used as a trolley.
sarah in her ninja turtle outfit
enjoying the evening sun
papa kena tekan by mummy in picture posing as you can see in the next few pictures. sarah sure have a fun papa. lolxdoing a 'chin huat'
monkey see monkey do
acting cool?
coconuts must be real expensive these days
seems like papa havent got to go out for quite a long while, hence the over-excitement shown in the above pictures.can only see those big eyes of sarah.
closer look to see what she is up to
admiring the sailing boats
dont drop me into the sea papa!
papa only knows one way of carrying me.
sarah 'i mustnt smile, just like those supermodels'
'mummy's favourite 5kg
all taken behind the changi sailing club. somehow it doesnt feel like you are in singapore
sarah 'finally they let down the front flap to let me breathe'
solar eclipse at changi? nope, just papa's big head
sarah 'my hair! my hair!'
sarah's first bouquet of flower, courtesy of mummy
sarah offering her flowers to daddy, how sweet!
hmm, the flowers in the background looks familiar.
taking a rare breather, sarah enjoyed her walk so much that every time mama stops, she will let out a loud wail, as if to complain!
reaching the end point near the jetty, sarah was knocked out by then. haha.
sound asleep
have you seen a more proud sleeping baby?
we intend to return another time to explore the other part of the beach, which is on the other side of the bridge in the background.
after having a drink at subway to quench our thirst, we walked by the main road back to the truck. the 20 odd minutes walk was interesting as we chatted about the isolated bungalows and changi hospital etc. that marks the end of our expedition. a happy day together!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Family Outing to the Library & Changi Boardwalk
Friday, September 26, 2008
After school
took some pictures of sarah after picking her up from 'school', using flo's SE W890.
the other four toddlers at the centre were so sad when we picked sarah up, not because they are going to miss her, but because their parents are not there to pick them up yet.

Little Miss Chatterbox
time flies. sarah has been attending 'school' for about a week now and i am going back to work in 3 days!!! so scary!!!
today, sarah woke up in one of her best moods. we guessed she is feeling all fit and healthy again. after her morning feed, she laid on our bed yakking and yakking away to me, squealing with laughter every now and then. cut her yakking session short as we were running a little late today. i quickly dug out a toy rattle from her drawer for her to play during the journey to school. i shook the rattle and her eyes were instantaneously drawn to the sound. after a while, i left the rattle beside her and the next minute, she actually picked it up with her tiny fingers. well done baby!
oh yes, she probably just wanted to put something in her mouth as usual... ;)
like every other day, we will pass her over to the teacher, sign her in and head to the nearby coffeeshop for breakfast. afterwhich, we will peep at her thru the window before heading off. it usually puts our minds much more at ease when we see her sleeping. when we peeped today, we did not see her in any of the baby cots. we then spotted her in the netted cradle on the floor. the teacher who was rocking her saw us and told us laughingly that sarah did not want to sleep and they realized she just wanted people to chit chat with her and was talking non stop. no wonder sarah is so well known in school for being talkative. the teachers always tell us that even when drinking milk, she likes to make noises, wanting to talk. hahaha.... i was commenting to jerry that the teacher so poor thing. early in the morning have to talk so much. this is all thanks to our little miss chatter box who is consciously trying to keep her mouth close in the next picture...
anyway, babies gets away with everything! yeah
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
3 months and 3 weeks young!
an update of what's happened over the past few days in the life of sarah.
she did something silly a few days back, she has now reached the stage of growth whereby she is capable and likes to grab things. that particular evening, she drew our attention with her sudden cry. we turned our heads towards her, and instead of being worried, we laughed. the silly girl had, of all things, grabbed and pulled her own hair; in doing so, is upset with the self inflicted pain. haha. thats our sarah.
yesterday afternoon, we received a call from the infant care, sarah was down with slight fever, temperature fluctuating within the 37deg cel range. after disccussion we decided to bring her home early and continue to monitor her situation. she was abit down, not her usual jovial talkative self, fortunately she wasnt cranky.
by evening, her temperature hit 37.8, so we decided to bring her to her pd, dr edmund. we are very impressed with dr edmund's way with kids, within seconds of seeing sarah, he managed to coax a chuckle out of her. on his advice, we gave sarah a dose of medicine and sent her to bed. thankfully, her fever has subsided this afternoon, she is now back to normal temperature. she seems very tired though, and has been sleeping the day away. we figured she is trying to make up for her lack of sleep at the infant care, she is still trying to adapt to the new environment. hope she overcomes this soon!

oh, sarah is now 5.1kg!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
random photos
here are some recent photos captured on flo's hp
some old photos of sarah's, taken with flo's panasonic lumix. these photos were taken between her first and second month. looking back, we can see how much she has grown, those clothes that are loose then are quite filled up now.