many thanks to all the relatives and friends that made time to attend sarah's first party! the living room was abit like a nursery with so many kids around. its a pity that we didnt managed to capture much pictures this time round, as we were very busy with entertaining all our guests.
the day before the party, we brought sarah to the p.d., as we have worryingly observed occasional jerking and twitching when she is asleep. as the jerks doesnt last long each time, p.d. told us that it might be a mild form of myoclonic jerk that will go away as she grows older. *phew*. even better news, sarah got to have her weight taken, she is now 3.27kg.
now that she is coming to a month old, we only have 20years and 11mths left till her financial independence! optimistic thinking!
Monday, June 30, 2008
4 Weeks old
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Coming Soon, Full Moon Party
Not the infamous one at Ko Pha Ngan, Thailand. But our very first party for baby sarah to mark her first month! 'full moon' is just a cheeky direct translation from the 'man yue' in chinese.
just after i called her cranky in the previous post, she gave me a big protest last night. she was cranky the WHOLE night, we barely got any sleep. been a zombie all day.
Monday, June 23, 2008
cranky baby
sarah is the night owl, she is very cranky at night, giving us some sleepless nights. however, she is starting to tune into our time. now she is starting to give us a 3hour feeding schedule instead of a 2 hour one, as a reward for our good service! flo calls her our tamagotchi. she will be 3 weeks old tomorrow!
her cranky side..
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Party time
finally set up sarah's winnie the pooh cot mobile over the weekend, as well as the baby monitor, now we can monitor her even when we have to leave her upstairs in the cot for a while. our confinement lady has returned home, so we are on our own from here onwards, more late night 'parties' to come.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
Hands up!
she likes to sleep with her hands up, as seen from the photos taken this morning and evening respectively. she seems to have boundless energy for a week old baby, always swinging her arms and kicking her legs vigorously. our confinement lady is quite amazed by her high energy and the strength of her neck muscle.
last night, had to send both flo and sarah to clinic one after another. flo had been suffering from constipation for quite a while, so i insisted that she go to the gp to have a look at her problem, she seems alright now, apart from backaches.
we rushed sarah down to the pd at tiong bahru after noticing there were numerous water spots on her reddish forehead. pd said she was too hot and the water spots could be her sweat. took his advice, by applying thin spread of ointment and giving her better ventilation, she is much better now!
on another note, she has lost her first belonging on tuesday, her umbilical cord!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
You had me at hello!

Time flies, she is now 1 week and a day old! she hasnt changed alot yet, the person who has made the biggest changes is flo. she is so motherly now, she always has so much patience with sarah.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Sweet dreams
Father and daughter engaged in their favourite past time together, sleeping. shot by papparazzi flo, at 0636 hours. she doesnt sleep anymore!
1 week old - F is for Father, F is for Feeding! Father Feeding Time!!!
I AM A MOMMY and this is my FIRST contribution to the blog!!!!! *grinz@jerry*.
as encouraged by many websites and books on parenting, decided to get jerry involved by giving him a chance to feed sarah. had a bottle of milk expressed out in order for him to feed sarah from a bottle. it was a beautiful sight to see both father and daughter enjoying that close, quiet moment together. am quite sure jerry enjoyed it as his eyes were pinned on sarah the whole time. as for Sarah, check out the wink she gave immediately after the feed.
was sharing with jerry that expressing of milk is so much more painful then having Sarah feed direct and he should thank me big time for being so sacrificial. whilst washing the pump i realized that the pump was set to maximum thus the pain due to the great force of suction. dang!
Monday, June 09, 2008
First Family Outing
our first trip out with sarah today, went for our appointment with the p.d at mt alvernia. we were fumbling, hands tied up in knots, everytime she needs to be fed or needs to have her diapers changed.
sarah's jaundis has subsided, but its still there. however, dr lee said it is at a comfortable level, it will remain for a couple of months as we are breast feeding her. she has gained another 300grams, which we are quite happy with, flo's efforts has paid off. she is currently at 2.52kg, hopefully she will hit 3kg soon!
Sunday, June 08, 2008
New Look
the furkids were shaved down so that they will not drop too much fur, which is also good for sarah. its chacho's virgin haircut, as her fur grows very, very, very slowly. now they look like puppies again! sponsored by flo for sarah's sake, a great mother in the making.
First Sunday
managed to capture a few shots of sarah on this lazy grey sunday morning. the grey weather isnt helping our new heavy load of laundry!
flo wants to announce to the world that she has got no stretch marks at all, and advise future mothers not to buy clarins stretch mark oil from the retail booth at malls, its much cheaper at neighbourhood shops. she only discovered it on the eve of giving birth.
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Funny Face
after 2 days of trying, flo's breast milk still hasnt arrived. she almost wanted to give up, as she couldnt bare seeing sarah starving. but after a pep talk by debbie, she found the determination to carry on trying. she was rewarded the very same night when she found traces of milk coming out. from then on, she has been very proud of herself for being able to breast feed.
everyone comments that sarah looks like me! jennifer calls her jerry-face. she's got my round face, flo's nose, hopefully her eyes too. mannerism and behaviour wise, she is flo's carbon copy.
flo claims that sarah's scarlet lips are due to her diet of sambal belachan.
*roll eyes*
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Day 1.
It took 18 long hours to get her out. in the process, there were lots of pains, tears and anxieties. the contractions and discomfort was grinding flo down physcially and mentally with each passing minute. the screamings and crying from nearby delivery wards didnt help as well. in the end, being able to see her for the first time when her head pops out of flo, hearing her very first cry, somehow all the fatique and stress have gone away. this is parenthood, words cant describe how we are feeling. we have been blessed.
Monday, June 02, 2008
She's coming
took another test on the fetal actocardiograph, dr fong said that sarah has much lower energy reserve compared to the first test, meaning she is under stress. on his advice, we have decided to admit flo to hospital tonight, for an induction labour. as sarah hasnt grown much and flo has surprisingly lost weight, this seems to be the best decision for her.
currently, we are both going through a mixed bag of emotions; excited for her impending arrival, worried about the labour process, abit sad that we will no longer have time for each other for a long time.
after her labour, flo will go back to her place for confinement. i am going to miss her and baby! but, its the best venue for her recuperation.